Joris Nanne


About Joris Nanne

Joris Nanne joined Economic Bureau Amsterdam as a consultant in September 2024. Joris completed a master’s degree in Policy Economics at the Erasmus School of Economics in 2023, and then went on to complete a law degree in Law and Economics at various universities in the Netherlands and abroad. During these interdisciplinary courses, Joris learned to evaluate policies, and apply tools from economics to a variety of different cases. Joris wrote his master theses on the effectiveness of gun legislation in the United States and deforestation policies in India.

Prior to that, Joris earned bachelors degrees in both Economics & Business Economics and Law, both from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. For his master’s degree in Law and Economics, he studied at universities in Hamburg and Mumbai, focusing mainly on the economic analysis of laws and regulations in developing economies. At Economic Bureau Amsterdam, Joris’ work includes research on the price level on Saba.

Recent publications

Steep Islands, High Prices

Commissioned by Ministry of Economic Affairs