Our social responsibility

We strive to be a responsible company that makes a social contribution. We do this by sponsoring community and social activities, sharing knowledge and information, and by CO2 compensation.


Amsterdam Bureau for Economics contributes to the activities of the Tur ta Konta foundation through sponsorship. Tur ta Konta is located in Curaçao and offers one-on-one guidance to children from the 6th, 7th and 8th grades who need extra help with arithmetic and mathematics. Tur ta Konta does so at fifteen participating neighborhood schools of primary education on Curaçao. This gives children better opportunities in secondary education and later on the labor market.

Amsterdam Bureau for Economics supports football club WV-HEDW with an annual contribution. WV-HEDW is one of the largest and also one of the oldest clubs in the Netherlands.

Sharing knowledge and information

Amsterdam Bureau for Economics continuously invests in new products and techniques and makes them accessible to the general public. In our research in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, we work a lot with data in the economic, social, institutional and financial fields. We have brought this data together in a handy online tool and made it accessible to everyone (link).

CO2 compensation

Economic Bureau Amsterdam works 100% print-free. In addition, we offset the carbon footprint resulting from international travel.