Economic analysis by EBA supports Council of State ruling on Amsterdam canal boat policy

The Dutch Council of State has ruled that the municipality of Amsterdam has insufficiently substantiated why non-tourist group transport falls under the same volume policy as tourist group transport by water, partly based on an analysis by Amsterdam Bureau for Economics (EBA). The municipality must revise its tour boat policy and motivate it better in order to develop a fairer and more transparent licensing policy.

Evaluation of the Competition law and authority in Curaçao: achieved results and future improvements

Amsterdam Bureau for Economics evaluated the Lvic and the FTAC in the period 2016-2023 on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development of Curaçao. The evaluation shows that the FTAC is an active, professional competition watchdog that has done a lot in its young existence in educating the private sector and the population, providing information and developing internal and external procedures. Partly because of its short existence and declining budgets, hard results that are noticeable to the population have so far been limited.